Upcite seller FAQ's

Seller fees

There is a 11.5% transaction fee to sell an item on Upcite. The fee is based on the total value of the order (price of item + any delivery amount).

Adding shipping to your products

All delivery methods provided on products must apply to UK mainland delivery in order to be eligble for the Upcite marketplace. This standard is to help improve ease amongst all parties.

Shipping is a requirement for bespoke items. It is expected that sellers will provide a delivery method. Upcite may automatically adjust the shipping price on some listings in attempt to increase conversions - this will not impact your pay-out from a sale.

Where shipping cannot be provided, Upcite may choose to offer the ability to arrange shipping for your item by teaming up with local couriers. Please contact us if you have further information.

How do I add an item to the marketplace?

Simply go to the home page and click on "sell your furniture" and create a seller account. From there, click on "products" then add products.

Fill out the product form (ensuring you have assigned your product to the appropriate product collection). After completing this, we will recieve you submission for a new product.

We will then review your listing and approve it within one day if it meets all of our requirements. If not, we will reach out to you to work with you to make sure it does!